Monday, August 6, 2012

Thoughts about Freedom

No doubt when you saw the title to this blog, you immediately thought about our wonderful country. You probably had a picture of our troops and the flag in your mind. I thought of it as well as I typed it. But, that is not what this blog is about. You may have noticed that my blog page is "I Run For Freedom." What does that mean? Let me take a few minutes to explain.

If we are not free, we are bound. There are many things that bind us. Bad habits come to mind. Everyone of us have either experienced or have family or close friends who have been the victim of bad habits. Many times those habits have led to illness or even death. I can think of several in my circles. When one shakes a bad habit, they are free from the habit. So, the opposite of bondage is freedom. We love freedom but not at the cost of kicking the habit sometimes.

In my case, I was bound by food. I had to eat but I made the wrong choices which caused me to be overweight for most of my adult life. Of all the bad habits in our culture, overeating seems to be the most prevalent. Unlike most bad habits, we over-eaters are bombarded with ads that tempt us. I know, there are alcohol ads but they do not promote alcoholism or getting drunk. In fact, they warn against things such as drinking and driving. Not so with food. It's not that they invite us to overeat but they run ads about unhealthy food choices all the time. So, we are tempted often by these ads. Overeating is, with apologies to the group Chicago, a hard habit to break. It is a bondage. The opposite of bondage is freedom. I can say that I once was bound but now I am free.

I run for freedom. The reason I run is to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. I enjoy running but it's the motivation of staying healthy that drives me. I know that you all are watching me, waiting for me to gain the weight back. I have maintained for 2 years and will continue to do so. I enjoy my freedom. I run for freedom. You should try it. If you are bound by a bad habit and want to be free, decide and do it. I know that some have addictions and have to have help but I'm not talking about that. I am talking about those habits that you know you can quit if you'll just decide to do it. Especially those habits that can lead to illness and death like overeating.

I hope that you will order "All My Strength" if you haven't already. It is my story of how I kicked the habit but you can apply it to yours. I know that in your heart, you want to choose freedom over bondage. So, why not start? You can order my book HERE. Even if you don't order my book, make a decision today to be free. You may want to run for freedom like me or go another route like biking, hiking or walking, but do it! You'll be so happy that you did.

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