Monday, August 13, 2012

Weight loss plans...which one?

We sure do see a lot of time-based weight loss plans these days. If you will go to "Google" and enter in "7 day weight loss," then "10 day weight loss," and "15 day weight loss," you will see plans with each of these. In fact, I think you can put in most any amount of days and there's a plan to lose weight. Guess what? All of them work. There are also "challenges." You can "Google" that as well and see many plans that are going to challenge you to lose weight. For a fee, of course.

Why are there so many weight loss plans? Is this necessary? Do you get the feeling that it is just a money making deal for the originators of these plans? ABC did a report recently stating that $10 billion dollars are spent each year by 100 million people in the United States. How is that working? We are still obese. I think most of us know that diet plans do not work long term. Have you ever known anybody to lose weight and gain most, if not all of it back? We all have friends and family who have done that. I did too. It seems as though I have lost thousands of pounds on weight loss plans. I hesitate to call them "gimmicks." What is the deal with all these plans?

Here is my take, in case you wondered. In my book, All My Strength, I mention that every diet works if you follow the plan. In fact, I have no problem with people who need to lose a few pounds going on a diet. But what about the obese? I was obese. A diet wasn't going to work for me. I needed more. I needed to change my life and I did. I did a lifetime change,  not a 90 day challenge. The change we need to become healthy and fit is for life, not for a period of time.

Can you imagine the preacher asking you to go on a 20 day challenge to live for the Lord? Just try Jesus for 30 days and see how that works for you? No, it does not work that way. Your belief in Jesus is for life. There are no plans to let you try Him out for a while to see how it works. The same goes for becoming healthy and fit. It is for life! If you are obese, you have to change your life, not try a diet plan. I would love for you to purchase my book by clicking on the link above but it is really just a matter of eating real, healthy food and getting your heart rate up at least 30 minutes every day. That is basically what I did and I lost 110 pounds in 16 months and have maintained for more than 2 years. That is because my life has been transformed by the renewing of my mind. What about you? Don't just try a 7 day diet or a 30 day diet or a 60 day challenge, change your life for life.

1 comment:

  1. Eddie, this reminds me of people who use "systems" to trade stocks. I have read/learned that most of the systems DO work (some slightly better than others), but that people are often too undisciplined to stick with the system...and so mess it up, winding up with a loss.

    I gain a lot of inspiration from your account. I am big into the whole "small hinges swing big doors" thing.

    It occurred to me that if a person fasted one day a week, that is, ballpark, 150 meals they will NOT eat that year.

    Or, if a person just does away with one of their regular meals each day, that's 365 meals NOT eaten.

    Of course, if you miss a meal and then eat twice as much the next meal....

    One thing that I have been challenged with is something I heard about Kenneth Hagin (now deceased). I don't know a whole lot about the man or his ministry (what I do know is largely positive). But going along with your lifestyle points above, he felt that the Lord wanted him to lead a fasted LIFE. And so he made it a point to never get full at a meal. He would always stop before he reached that point. Not only did this serve as a disciplining tool, but it also served, I'm sure, to keep off pounds. Most importantly, it served to please the Lord.

    Having come through gastric bypass and having lost over 100 lbs. that way, I can now see and understand what I could not before. Today, when I sit down to eat, I am amazed, nearly aghast, at how fast my wife eats. Of course, before my operation, I was usually done before her!

    If I could turn the clock back, knowing what I know now, and, it is hoped, having the discipline to act on what I know (which I am doubtful of), I would have done TWO THINGS when it comes to eating....

    1) I would have convinced myself that leaving food on my plate is a GOOD thing, that I don't need to eat it all. God will provide more tomorrow. No longer would I think it necessary to clean my plate--in fact, I might challenge myself to see HOW MUCH I could leave behind.

    2) I would eat much more slowly, taking SMALL bites. Why do we find it necessary to heap our forks so high? Just take a LITTLE. Put in in your mouth and actually SAVOR what is being eaten. Put your fork down between bites. Don't pick it up until you have completely swallowed what you have already taken. Take a small drink or say something to your dining companions before you take another bite.

    Why? Because of the time delay, we are usually full several minutes before it REGISTERS in our brain. That is, we could have stopped 20 bites ago...but eating so fast, we did not.
