Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Running Review for 2014

What a great year of running I was blessed with in 2014. The most important thing was that I stayed injury free. That is always a key in having a great year. Again, I was blessed.

Here are the races I completed in 2014:

Feb 22: Rock Creek 5k Dawsonville, GA (Pushed my grandson, Finley)
Mar 29: Run to the River 5k Roswell, GA
Apr 12: 65 Roses 5k Cleveland, TN
May 3:  Race for the Cure 5k Charleston, WV (STATE 21)
May 4:  Riverside 4 mile Lynchburg, VA (STATE 22)
May 24: Here Comes the Herd 10k Suwanee, GA
June 1:  Piedmont Park 5k Atlanta, GA
June 7:  Run the Rails 10k Buford, GA
June 21: Possum Trot 10k Roswell, GA
Aug 2:   Button Down Gwinnett 10k Duluth, GA
Sept 13: ScoutStrong Half Marathon Kansas City, KS (STATE 23)
Sept 14: Plaza 10k Kansas City, MO (STATE 24)
Dec 7:   Rock and Roll Half Marathon San Antonio, TX (STATE 25)

That is a total of 13 races, adding 5 new states giving me 25 states in which I have run a race. I didn't set any PRs this year, which is a bit disappointing but am very happy with the year. I set a goal of 5 new states and 1,000 miles of running and reached both goals. I finished 2014 with 1,031 miles.

Happy Running in 2015!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Five Years since "the day that changed my life"

I can't believe it has been 5 years since I made the decision to change my life for health and fitness. July 16, 2009 was the "day that changed my life." It is true that in one day, or for that matter, one moment, you can change your life forever. The work had yet to be done but the decision was made. I still get asked all the time what prompted me to change my life. There is a simple answer. I decided. Of course, there were reasons that I decided. The main one was that I wanted to live. Interestingly enough, this was before I had grandchildren. I want to live even more now to see them grow and to be able to play with them through the years. Another reason that I decided was that I was SICK of being obese. It is not fun. I was miserable all the time. I couldn't bend over to tie my shoes without giving out of breath. I am so glad that on July 16, 2009, I decided to change my life.

Another question I am asked is "I bet that was hard to do, wasn't it?" My answer is always "no!" Once I made the decision, it was easy for me. There was no cheating and no second thoughts about the decision I made. I had "broken through the barrier."

I have learned so much more about healthy living on this journey. I have learned that what we eat can kill us or heal us. We just have to be educated as to which foods and drinks to consume. It takes research to know about these things because the food industry doesn't give 2 flips about your health and won't tell you about it. When it comes to fitness, there are people who will discourage you with all of the reasons that running or working out will hurt your body. They tell you this while they are out of shape and obese. I DO NOT listen to such nonsense. It is only an excuse for them to feel better about living the lifestyle they live. It is really sad.

In 5 years, I have run over 60 races in 22 states with 3 more states scheduled this year giving me half of the states by age 60. I never would have believed it had you told me 5 years ago. I didn't know what a 5k was 5 years ago. I love to run as most of you know. It is so rewarding to cross the finish line! It is fun to be in a running atmosphere. There is a culture among runners that I now associate. I love it!

On this 5th anniversary of the "day that changed my life," I am thankful to God, my friends and family for all of the encouraging words. I am thankful for all of the messages sent to me telling me that I had somehow motivated them to change their lives. That is why I tell the story. It is why I wrote a book. I want to help others to know that if I can do it, they can to. What about you?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

100 Miles Run in March and April

When I started this journey 5 year ago, I walked 25 miles a week. Several months into the process, I was doing some running. In fact, I was such a novice that I called it "jogging." I quickly learned that wasn't the correct term so I was "running." Pretty soon, I was running as much as walking and a little later mostly running. It was the right transition for me. In the early months, I was doing over 100 miles each month but when I changed to mostly running, that pace fell off a bit. Over the last few years, I have experienced injuries that kept me from being consistent with running. This past winter was brutal for getting out and running as much as I wanted. I know, excuses. 

I set a goal of running 1,000 miles in 2014 and the first 2 months were not good but in March and April I have run 100 miles each month. It is the first time I have run 100 miles in consecutive months so I am celebrating that today!

This coming Saturday, I run a 5k in Charleston, West Virginia. The following day, I drive over to Lynchburg, Virginia and run in a 4 mile race. These 2 states will put me at 22 states in my quest to run in all 50 states. I am hoping to run in 2 more states along with the full marathon in San Antonio in December. That would put me half way through by age 60. When I considered this as a goal 4 years ago, I had no idea I would get to this point by this time. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had. Most of that credit goes to Cathy, my wife. She has been so supportive of this goal and of my running. 

Let's have a great May! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Running Season

I try to run 4 to 5 days a week even in the Winter. This past Winter was a rough one. Some people enjoy running on a treadmill but not me. I call it the "dreadmill." I have to run outside no matter the weather. Usually, here in North Georgia, there are sporadic days in the Winter that the temperatures are decent enough to run but not this Winter. It was either too cold or rainy. It was a challenge but I made it through.

Spring is here! It's like music to my ears. Not only will the weather improve for great running conditions, there will be more races. I have already signed up for a couple of races locally and have my eyes on some others. As many of you know, I am attempting to run in all 50 states. I would love to do 5 this year giving me 25 by age 60. Yes, I turn 60 this December 27. I haven't booked any out of state races but have my eyes on a few. I am kicking around doing another full marathon. Possibly in San Antonio. You know I'll tell you about it when I book them!

With the Spring comes a new career. Without going into how this has come about, I will be studying for the Georgia Real Estate exam over the next days in hopes of passing and becoming a Real Estate agent. I am excited about this new time in my life and doing something that I will be able to do the rest of my life. Staying healthy and fit is an important part of that. I guess I will become the "Running Agent."

Above all, I pray that you will see the benefits of becoming healthy and fit as I believe it is the best life for you. Don't do like me and wait until you are 53 years old to begin. There are just too many risks. I can think of no better time to begin than the Spring! Just do it!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Spring is Almost Here!

I can't believe it's almost March. The weather has been pretty rough here in North Georgia making it a challenge for me to get in all the running miles I need to do. We went to Disney World for a week and I only ran 2 miles while there mostly because I walked what felt like 10,000 miles. This past weekend, I did my first 5k of the year and pushed my oldest grandson, Finley, who is 2. It was my first attempt at doing a 5k pushing a running stroller. It was pretty tough but I still managed a 30:34 time. I pushed him for 2 miles of the race. It was fun!!

We move on to Spring time. I don't have any races registered but have many on my calendar. I have learned the hard way not to register so early. I have decided to pass on the Peachtree this year. Maybe I'll do it in 2015. The main thing for now is to get back into good running condition. I ran 7 miles this past Sunday giving me 28 for the week. That is a good week for me. It will be hard to match that this week as I am pretty busy with other things but you never know. Maybe I can get in a couple of long runs by Sunday.

I love March. I am a huge baseball fan and get excited about Spring Training. I also love March Madness. My alma mater, Lee University will be involved in post season play in the NCCAA this year. We are in a transition season moving from NAIA to NCAA II and are not allowed to play in the post season but can compete in the National Christian College Athletic Association. Fun times in sports for me.

Have a happy FIT and HEALTHY Spring!!