Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2009: The Day That Changed My Life

You know how when it seems like something happened just yesterday, yet, it seems like it was 100 years ago at the same time? That's the way I feel today. It is July 16, 2012. That date may not mean much to you but for those of you who know my story, you know this date as "the day that changed my life." It was July 16, 2009, three years ago that I experienced the day that changed my life. This is the anniversary of the day I decided I was not going to be fat again. I had "had it." It seems like just yesterday, yet, it really does seem like 100 years ago.

I live two weird emotions. When I look at pictures of myself from the old days, I cannot believe I was ever that big. I don't understand how I allowed myself to be unhealthy through all of those years raising children. What in the world was I thinking? I wasn't thinking. The other emotion that I experience is just the opposite. Sometimes, I feel like I am still over 300 pounds. I forget until I look in the mirror. Why is that? Maybe I am old and that is the answer but I do experience both feelings all the time.

I have maintained my weight for 2 years. I told you that I will not gain the weight back because I am a changed man. I am not the old Eddie Robbins. I am totally obsessed with being fit and healthy. Of course, life sometimes deals us a bad hand and we have to deal with that. Charles Conn, my father-in-law, used to tell us that "time and chance happens to everyone." I realize there are people with physical issues. That does not meant that they are not trying and I in NO way would want to come across as being insensitive to them. Time and chance happens to us all. In fact, Jesus told us that we would have  trouble in this life. It happens. I have been fortunate over the last 3 years. I have had my share of injuries but it pales in comparison to some of my friends battling cancer and other illnesses.

Today, I celebrate 3 years of a decision made and kept. Why am I writing about this? To be honest, I have had all the accolades that I need for the accomplishment that I made with losing weight and becoming a runner. The reason I write is for you. What about you? Some of you are where I was 3 years ago. You are sick and tired of being overweight but you have given up. I understand that. I had that feeling a few years ago. I pretty much gave up. But 3 years ago, that all changed. I decided that I would do something about it come hell or high water. I wanted to know what it would be like to be at a normal weight. Most of you know my story and saw me do it. In fact, you helped me through it. So, what about you? Why not let today, not tomorrow, be the day that changes your life? I have a Facebook group with some folks who will help you through your journey. If you want to join, send me a message and I will add you to the group. Or, you can find it on Facebook. It is the same name as my book: "All My Strength." I am still on the journey. I have goals. I want to help you with your goals. Join the group and get started. Today. Not tomorrow.


  1. Eddie, this is inspiring. One of my issues--and it is a vanity issue, for sure--is that upon losing a lot of weight, us larger folks can look like a shriveled paper sack...perhaps making us feel even more unattractive or self-conscious. How do you handle that aspect of it? I'd like to lose weight for just "the health of it," but when you realize that you don't look any better, it's hard to think only about your health. Help!

  2. I have about 15-20 pounds of excess skin. I understand. Most of it is not seen but under my chin is pretty bad. One day, I hope to have it removed. But, the joy I have of living a life of good health and fitness far outweighs that part for me. That along with the odds of me living longer to enjoy my children and grandchildren outweighs that as well. Don't use what you may look like as an excuse for not being fit and healthy. I promise, it will be worth it. Besides, I believe it is God's best for our lives. We have been loaned this body by the Lord. He really wants us to take care of it like a temple. Blessings to you as you begin your journey! er
