Friday, July 6, 2012

Welcome to my new blog page

I don't know why I started a new blog page but wanted to do something that I consider the next step after "All My Strength." Most of of you know that I wrote a book about my life transformation. People ask me all the time "how are the book sales going?" I don't know how to answer that question. I have sold almost 200 books. Is that good, bad or just blah? The main thing is it has helped to motivate other folks and that was the goal. So, I guess the sales are good.  I move on from here. The book is not going to self destruct. It will always be available and I am always ready to tell my weight loss experience. It's time for the next step.

I have been told by some that I need to be working on the next book. I guess that is what I'm doing. I am moving on. I don't know if the next phase in my life is worthy of a book or not, but I am moving on anyway. One can move along without disposing of the past. My story will always be my story and I am always ready to tell it because some people need to hear it. So, I am not abandoning anything other than unhealthy living.

Let's begin with the title of this blog. I own the domain name "" I have it pointed to this blog. Perhaps one day I will create a webpage but for now this blog will do. Why the name "I Run For Freedom?" First, I was surprised that it was available. It was and I secured it a couple of months ago, anticipating a good use for it. I am not so sure that a blog is a good use but maybe something will happen later that is worthy of the name.

"Freedom" is a word that is not taken lightly, especially for those who have experienced bondage. It is hard for us to fully grasp the meaning of the word as it pertains to the United States unless we came from a country that was not free. I have known a few people in that situation and they seem to appreciate living in freedom more than me. Being raised in freedom spoiled me.  There are, however, other ways to be bound. We see it every day in all sorts of ways. I was in bondage living an unhealthy, unfit lifestyle. 3 years ago this month, I made the decision to be free from that bondage by losing 110 pounds and becoming a runner. Now, I Run For Freedom.

Welcome to my new blog!

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