Thursday, July 18, 2013

Things I Can't Do Without for a Run

Here is a list of things I can't do without when I am running.

Desire. This is the first thing and is pretty obvious. If I don't have the desire, I will quit.

Time. Another obvious one. It usually takes me about 2 1/2 hours to drive to the Greenway, run 4-6 miles, drive home and clean up. 

Good weather. I don't do wind and I don't do lightning. I can prepare for reasonable cold weather and on hot days, I try to run in the mornings and wear light clothing. I have also heard to run the AC on high on the way to the run. It takes the body a while to warm up.

A plan. I need to know how long I am going to run before I start. Maybe you have heard that running is mostly mental. It is true. I have to plan my runs and get "psyched" up about it.

Shoes. I highly recommend going to a running store and let the professional help you with shoes and insoles, if needed. Once this happens, you will know what to buy. My favorite shoe brand has been Saucony and Asics so far.

Socks. Believe it or not, socks are important. I wear a non-cotton ankle sock that claims to be ant-blister.

Toe covers. I don't even know if that's what you call them but I have issues with a couple of toes and wear covers on them.

Medical tape for the nips. Yep, that's right. Blistered nips are no fun.

Compression pants. With all the issues I have had with strained calf and hamstring muscles, this really help me.

A cap. Bald headed men have to wear caps. I like wearing caps but if I didn't, I would need suntan lotion.

ID bracelet. I wear a bracelet with some emergency info on it. You never know when you may need it somewhere out on a trail.

Chewing gum. I enjoy gum because it helps keep my mouth from drying out.

Power gels. If I am running 6 miles or more, I take a power gel with me.

Water/sports drink. I take this with me on runs of 9 miles or more. I keep bottles of water in the trunk of my car.

Music. I love listening to music while I run. I put my iPhone in an armband and listen with headphones. I have a running playlist. 

Febreze spray. When I get back to the car, I spray my cap and armband.

I have probably forgotten something but I am amazed at the things I can't do without. 

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