Friday, December 7, 2012

Running in 2013


2012 was not the best year for me when it comes to running. It was a great year otherwise as I became a Grandad, or "Poppy." If you are my Facebook friend, you are probably saying "oh no, here he goes!" That's right. I love being a Poppy. I also published my first book, "All My Strength." Lots of other great things happened in 2012 as well. But running was not the best. I spent almost half the year nursing a hamstring injury. I did manage to run in 2 additional states, Oregon and Wisconsin. My goal was to add 5. Didn't happen. So, we move on to 2013.  


 10k in Portland, Oregon

I have already booked 3 new states for 2013 and hope to add more. In January, I will be driving to Jackson, Mississippi to run in the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon. The next day, I will run in the Jackson Day Race which is a historic 9k. In between these 2 runs, I will watch my Lee University Flames play on the road in Jackson and Hattiesburg. What a fun weekend this will be for me. That will give me 14 states in which I have run a race.

On Father's Day, I will strike an item off my "Bucket List." I have signed up for the San Francisco Half Marathon. I will run across the Golden Gate Bridge! I am very excited about this race.

I am working on other races. I will, Lord and hamstring willing, run my usual races as well. I didn't get to run in the Peachtree Road Race last year and hope to in 2013. I am also planning to run in the 65 Roses 5k in Cleveland, Tennessee. It is a family event with extended family and the perfect place to run with Finley. Did I mention that I am a Poppy? There are a few local races that I do as well. Georgia is one of the top states for running events in the country. Who knew?

2013 promises to be a great year for running and having another grandson! That's right, Jonah will make his appearance in February.  Above all, I want to walk (or run) in the path of Jesus and do the things I ought to do as a follower of Christ and believer in Him. I wish nothing but the best for you in 2013!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Do Something Fun!

When I started my journey towards a healthy lifestyle, I had no clue about how my life was going to change. I knew that I had to do something about exercise and began to walk 25 miles a week. I actually enjoyed it. I made up games with how I swung my arms and competing with other walkers even though they didn't know I was competing against them. My goal was to be walking when they quit that day. Music played a huge role in my enjoyment of walking. I developed a love for going out and walking almost everyday. I started jogging a little just to get my heart rate up. Every day, I jogged farther than the day before. One day, I jogged a whole mile and was shocked. On Thanksgiving 2009, I did my first 5k with my youngest daughter, Tiffany. The picture that is posted is of that day. I won a medal. I came in third place in my age group. I know, there were only three people in my age group.

So, it began. I was hooked on running in events. I began to make goals and have run in over 30 races in 12 states so far including the Disney Half-Marathon and the Chicago Marathon. Tiffany has been my running buddy in those races.  It has been fun. There have been injuries and challenges but it has been fun.

I believe that running is the main reason that I have maintained my healthy/fit lifestyle. It is fun! That is my suggestion for you if you are struggling with being healthy and fit. Find a fun exercise. Biking, hiking, walking, running, weight lifting, swimming, tennis, racquetball, basketball....there are lots of choices but find what is fun for you! Don't wait to do it. Investigate what is available in your area and get involved. Your health depends on it and it is fun. Do something fun!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Wish Above All Things

3 John 1:2

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

For those of us raised in the church, we have heard this scripture countless times. It has been a favorite scripture among those who preach the "prosperity" gospel. I like prosperity. I am all for it, however, this is not God proclaiming that above all things, it is His will that we prosper.  Besides, this is John in a letter "to my dear friend Gaius."  It is an opening greeting. That is not to diminish it's importance on how we can apply it, but we have to be careful about creating some sort of doctrine on salutations. 

If I were to create a doctrine based on this, it would be about health. I wish that you may be in good health. How does that happen for you? In order for us to prosper, for the majority of us, we must work for it. There are a few who have inherited prosperity but I don't hang with many that have. In fact, I don't think I know anyone who has inherited their prosperity. I don't know anyone who has gained prosperity through the lottery either. Most every one I know who lives in prosperity worked for it. The same goes for good health. You have to work for it.

I know, you are saying to yourself "here he goes again." That is correct. Here I go again. It is my passion to see my family, friends and acquaintances be in good health. After all, who wants bad health? So, how do we obtain good health? In some cases, diseases, injuries, birth defects, etc. has come our way and we can't ever obtain good health. However, most people just don't care enough to strive for being healthy. I know. That was me for about 50 years. I was never concerned with it and as a result, I found myself obese and with high blood pressure. I was disgusted with myself. As most of you know, I changed my life and wrote about my experience in "All My Strength." So, it is now my passion to see you live in good health. I can leave you with the same thought as John left with Gaius: I wish for you prosperity and good health even as your soul prospers!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weight loss plans...which one?

We sure do see a lot of time-based weight loss plans these days. If you will go to "Google" and enter in "7 day weight loss," then "10 day weight loss," and "15 day weight loss," you will see plans with each of these. In fact, I think you can put in most any amount of days and there's a plan to lose weight. Guess what? All of them work. There are also "challenges." You can "Google" that as well and see many plans that are going to challenge you to lose weight. For a fee, of course.

Why are there so many weight loss plans? Is this necessary? Do you get the feeling that it is just a money making deal for the originators of these plans? ABC did a report recently stating that $10 billion dollars are spent each year by 100 million people in the United States. How is that working? We are still obese. I think most of us know that diet plans do not work long term. Have you ever known anybody to lose weight and gain most, if not all of it back? We all have friends and family who have done that. I did too. It seems as though I have lost thousands of pounds on weight loss plans. I hesitate to call them "gimmicks." What is the deal with all these plans?

Here is my take, in case you wondered. In my book, All My Strength, I mention that every diet works if you follow the plan. In fact, I have no problem with people who need to lose a few pounds going on a diet. But what about the obese? I was obese. A diet wasn't going to work for me. I needed more. I needed to change my life and I did. I did a lifetime change,  not a 90 day challenge. The change we need to become healthy and fit is for life, not for a period of time.

Can you imagine the preacher asking you to go on a 20 day challenge to live for the Lord? Just try Jesus for 30 days and see how that works for you? No, it does not work that way. Your belief in Jesus is for life. There are no plans to let you try Him out for a while to see how it works. The same goes for becoming healthy and fit. It is for life! If you are obese, you have to change your life, not try a diet plan. I would love for you to purchase my book by clicking on the link above but it is really just a matter of eating real, healthy food and getting your heart rate up at least 30 minutes every day. That is basically what I did and I lost 110 pounds in 16 months and have maintained for more than 2 years. That is because my life has been transformed by the renewing of my mind. What about you? Don't just try a 7 day diet or a 30 day diet or a 60 day challenge, change your life for life.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Running in All Fifty States

Many people have on their "bucket list" to visit all 50 states. At age 56, I entered into the state of Nebraska for my 50th state visited. I really never thought about it until it occurred to me a couple of years ago that I only need four states. In 2010, we went to New England and I picked up Vermont and Maine. In 2011, we flew to Denver and drove up to North Dakota and back down to Nebraska completing the goal of visiting all 50 states. Cathy will complete her quest for 50 a little later this year. I wonder how many couples in America have visited all 50 states?

I am now admitting that I have a goal of running in an event in all 50 states. Realistically, it will be very difficult for me to do, but I have placed it on my "bucket list." I enjoy traveling and I enjoy running so it's a match. This weekend, Cathy and I are flying to Milwaukee to run in the Hank Aaron Trail 5k. Wisconsin will be my 12th state running in an event. That's not too bad considering I started 2 years ago. I chose this particular race because I was a fan of Hank Aaron when the Braves moved to Atlanta from Milwaukee in 1966. In fact, my nickname was "Hammer" in those years. I can't wait to get the t-shirt!

The folks at the Hank Aaron Trail have asked me to speak for a few minutes about my weight loss experience and how I utilized the trail here in Forsyth County. They are promoting healthy and fit living and want to demonstrate what can happen if someone will get out there and walk, bike or run on their trail. I am excited about the opportunity to briefly tell my story. I am also looking forward to running on the Hank Aaron Trail through Milwaukee.

The quest for running in all 50 states continues. I have run a race in Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maine, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois and Oregon. If the Lord lets me live and helps me live in good health, I have many years left to run. I am thinking about doing 5 states per year. I wish the folks at the "Four Corners" would sponsor a race. That would be pretty cool to knock out four states with one run. I ran in the Flying Pig 10k in Cincinnati that crossed over to Kentucky giving me two states with one run. I am looking for more of those types of races.

Why am I doing this? Because in order to stay fit, I believe that you have to find something fun to do. If it's not fun, it's work and most will quit. I love to run. It's what I do. I run for freedom. Freedom from unhealthy and unfit living. What about you?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Thoughts about Freedom

No doubt when you saw the title to this blog, you immediately thought about our wonderful country. You probably had a picture of our troops and the flag in your mind. I thought of it as well as I typed it. But, that is not what this blog is about. You may have noticed that my blog page is "I Run For Freedom." What does that mean? Let me take a few minutes to explain.

If we are not free, we are bound. There are many things that bind us. Bad habits come to mind. Everyone of us have either experienced or have family or close friends who have been the victim of bad habits. Many times those habits have led to illness or even death. I can think of several in my circles. When one shakes a bad habit, they are free from the habit. So, the opposite of bondage is freedom. We love freedom but not at the cost of kicking the habit sometimes.

In my case, I was bound by food. I had to eat but I made the wrong choices which caused me to be overweight for most of my adult life. Of all the bad habits in our culture, overeating seems to be the most prevalent. Unlike most bad habits, we over-eaters are bombarded with ads that tempt us. I know, there are alcohol ads but they do not promote alcoholism or getting drunk. In fact, they warn against things such as drinking and driving. Not so with food. It's not that they invite us to overeat but they run ads about unhealthy food choices all the time. So, we are tempted often by these ads. Overeating is, with apologies to the group Chicago, a hard habit to break. It is a bondage. The opposite of bondage is freedom. I can say that I once was bound but now I am free.

I run for freedom. The reason I run is to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. I enjoy running but it's the motivation of staying healthy that drives me. I know that you all are watching me, waiting for me to gain the weight back. I have maintained for 2 years and will continue to do so. I enjoy my freedom. I run for freedom. You should try it. If you are bound by a bad habit and want to be free, decide and do it. I know that some have addictions and have to have help but I'm not talking about that. I am talking about those habits that you know you can quit if you'll just decide to do it. Especially those habits that can lead to illness and death like overeating.

I hope that you will order "All My Strength" if you haven't already. It is my story of how I kicked the habit but you can apply it to yours. I know that in your heart, you want to choose freedom over bondage. So, why not start? You can order my book HERE. Even if you don't order my book, make a decision today to be free. You may want to run for freedom like me or go another route like biking, hiking or walking, but do it! You'll be so happy that you did.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2009: The Day That Changed My Life

You know how when it seems like something happened just yesterday, yet, it seems like it was 100 years ago at the same time? That's the way I feel today. It is July 16, 2012. That date may not mean much to you but for those of you who know my story, you know this date as "the day that changed my life." It was July 16, 2009, three years ago that I experienced the day that changed my life. This is the anniversary of the day I decided I was not going to be fat again. I had "had it." It seems like just yesterday, yet, it really does seem like 100 years ago.

I live two weird emotions. When I look at pictures of myself from the old days, I cannot believe I was ever that big. I don't understand how I allowed myself to be unhealthy through all of those years raising children. What in the world was I thinking? I wasn't thinking. The other emotion that I experience is just the opposite. Sometimes, I feel like I am still over 300 pounds. I forget until I look in the mirror. Why is that? Maybe I am old and that is the answer but I do experience both feelings all the time.

I have maintained my weight for 2 years. I told you that I will not gain the weight back because I am a changed man. I am not the old Eddie Robbins. I am totally obsessed with being fit and healthy. Of course, life sometimes deals us a bad hand and we have to deal with that. Charles Conn, my father-in-law, used to tell us that "time and chance happens to everyone." I realize there are people with physical issues. That does not meant that they are not trying and I in NO way would want to come across as being insensitive to them. Time and chance happens to us all. In fact, Jesus told us that we would have  trouble in this life. It happens. I have been fortunate over the last 3 years. I have had my share of injuries but it pales in comparison to some of my friends battling cancer and other illnesses.

Today, I celebrate 3 years of a decision made and kept. Why am I writing about this? To be honest, I have had all the accolades that I need for the accomplishment that I made with losing weight and becoming a runner. The reason I write is for you. What about you? Some of you are where I was 3 years ago. You are sick and tired of being overweight but you have given up. I understand that. I had that feeling a few years ago. I pretty much gave up. But 3 years ago, that all changed. I decided that I would do something about it come hell or high water. I wanted to know what it would be like to be at a normal weight. Most of you know my story and saw me do it. In fact, you helped me through it. So, what about you? Why not let today, not tomorrow, be the day that changes your life? I have a Facebook group with some folks who will help you through your journey. If you want to join, send me a message and I will add you to the group. Or, you can find it on Facebook. It is the same name as my book: "All My Strength." I am still on the journey. I have goals. I want to help you with your goals. Join the group and get started. Today. Not tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Injuries Are Part Of The Deal

I am in the midst of dealing with my second hamstring injury. Earlier this year, it was the right leg. I nursed it back in time to run a 10k in Portland, Oregon in May. Oregon was my 11th state to run a race. Over the last month, I have been nursing a hamstring strain in my left leg. It caused me to miss my third Peachtree Road Race, which was really disappointing. As I write, I am very close to running again. I was close a couple of weeks ago and tweaked it again, extending the healing time. I am being very careful not to run too quickly now. My next race is in Milwaukee, WI on August 11. I am hopeful to be back in full swing by then.

Injuries don't just happen to old guys trying to run. They happen to seasoned athletes all the time. Injuries are just a part of the deal. The worst part of an injury, besides causing you to miss an event, is the mental part. Running is a mental sport to begin with. It is very therapeutic. If I am feeling down, I always feel better after a good, long run. I think it is a gift from God that some are not aware. So, when I am going through an injury and not running, it is easy to get down mentally. I have to keep reminding myself that great athletes get injured and recover and I will too. Injuries are part of the deal.

Looking at the positive side, it is extremely hot right now in North Georgia. If I had to choose a time to be away from the sport, it is now. I am looking forward to the fall when the running season really picks up. I have scheduled one race in the fall so far and look to add 3 more states giving me 15 states, Lord willing. I have lots to look forward to in my new life, running for freedom. Freedom from an unhealthy life! Yes, even with injuries, it is worth it. After all, injuries are part of the deal.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Welcome to my new blog page

I don't know why I started a new blog page but wanted to do something that I consider the next step after "All My Strength." Most of of you know that I wrote a book about my life transformation. People ask me all the time "how are the book sales going?" I don't know how to answer that question. I have sold almost 200 books. Is that good, bad or just blah? The main thing is it has helped to motivate other folks and that was the goal. So, I guess the sales are good.  I move on from here. The book is not going to self destruct. It will always be available and I am always ready to tell my weight loss experience. It's time for the next step.

I have been told by some that I need to be working on the next book. I guess that is what I'm doing. I am moving on. I don't know if the next phase in my life is worthy of a book or not, but I am moving on anyway. One can move along without disposing of the past. My story will always be my story and I am always ready to tell it because some people need to hear it. So, I am not abandoning anything other than unhealthy living.

Let's begin with the title of this blog. I own the domain name "" I have it pointed to this blog. Perhaps one day I will create a webpage but for now this blog will do. Why the name "I Run For Freedom?" First, I was surprised that it was available. It was and I secured it a couple of months ago, anticipating a good use for it. I am not so sure that a blog is a good use but maybe something will happen later that is worthy of the name.

"Freedom" is a word that is not taken lightly, especially for those who have experienced bondage. It is hard for us to fully grasp the meaning of the word as it pertains to the United States unless we came from a country that was not free. I have known a few people in that situation and they seem to appreciate living in freedom more than me. Being raised in freedom spoiled me.  There are, however, other ways to be bound. We see it every day in all sorts of ways. I was in bondage living an unhealthy, unfit lifestyle. 3 years ago this month, I made the decision to be free from that bondage by losing 110 pounds and becoming a runner. Now, I Run For Freedom.

Welcome to my new blog!